While this is often overlooked by many practitioners, a second use for a QDRO, beyond the split of marital assets, is that it may be used for child support obligations between the parties. The QDRO itself is very similar to what is prepared for a split of marital assets, except that the alternate payee will normally be a guardian for a child or children of the marriage, the order will provide for payment based on child support obligations or delinquencies, and usually the taxation of the amount will not be levied against the alternate payee as is usually the case, but against the participant. This can be a very effective way to collect child support obligations, and Gary A. Nagler, P.L.L.C. can assist you in preparation of a QDRO for this purpose as long as the decree provides for the award.
Trust Gary A. Nagler, PLLC, an experienced QDRO preparation attorney in Houston, TX. Call (713) 666-7742 or CLICK HERE to get started now!